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Does Anybody Else Find Oldmen Dressing In Women's Clothes Unattractive?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #280625 [Ignore] 09,Jul,12 20:27
I'm a younger guy but I don't think that my preseptions of what is attractive in another man, is ever gonna change to thinking fat old men in women's clothing is hot.

I don't discriminate against old men themselves as a group in fact I find them quite endearing at times, especially a fit muscular older gentlemen. But most of my tastes swing towards younger fitter men.

What I'm just wondering is if anybody else is repulsed be older over weight men in women's lingerie/clothing? If so make yourself known!

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By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,22 22:01 other posts 

By #667453 08,Jun,22 19:57
Not for me

By #560220 01,Jul,18 09:46
Just remember 1 thing,if u live long enough you will become old ,
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jul,18 09:49 other posts 
You are absolutely correct!

So if the question was, does anyone else find men dressing in women's clothes unattractive, how would you respond?
By #562152 14,Aug,18 09:42
I'm re-replying because i find that older people get shafted

Why do people discriminate against old people. Few object looking at an Adonis in tight speedos or women's knickers. What you object to is the fact that older people have the same sexual desires younger people have and, many times, it's shown in daring ways because they know they are not that physically attractive anymore,,and all you are looking are at the wrinkles and not at the eyes,,,

By #562152 14,Aug,18 09:40
Why do people discriminate against old people. Few object looking at an Adonis in tight speedos or women's knickers. What you object to is the fact that older people have the same sexual desires younger people have and, many times, it's shown in daring ways because they know they are not that physically attractive anymore,,and all you are looking are at the wrinkles and not at the eyes,,,

By leopoldij [Ignore] 14,Aug,18 08:35 other posts 
I do find all men dressed in women's clothes unattractive but not all people do. Thankfully, there are is a lot of sexual variety and preference in this world and this is what makes the whole game interesting.

By #463848 14,Aug,18 07:16
I do; or any men for that matter

By knewbi [Ignore] 02,Jul,18 13:45 other posts 
I find it shows kinkyness and I just love kinky. So old or young I am all for it.

By #463848 01,Jul,18 02:43
I do not find CDg at all attractive but I recognise that it fills the needs of some people.
By #539358 01,Jul,18 17:36
Couldn’t have put it better myself!

By #23575 10,Jun,13 11:31
How could anyone come HERE and expect to start throwing around their particular own personal tastes in what looks good and expect to accomplish anything? So what's your goal? Run them off the site from embarrassment? Anything else you don't like here? What should we do about that? Dislike pubes? Uncut not good? Any particular curvature you find disgusting? Fact is you're gonna see it all here. So why bitch about ANYTHING and waste your time???
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jun,13 11:39 other posts 
Hell yeah!

But I really don't like the urinating pictures........
By #301038 10,Jun,13 11:42
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

The member just stated what he doesn't like, and asked if somebody else shares his preference. And he is not the only one... But it doesn't mean that anyone should target older overweight cd's and abuse them for who they are or what they like.

I've been contacted multiple times by the above mentioned group, even though I don't feel any positive feelings towards them. I don't want to look at men wearing lingerie or women's clothes, period. And for some reason, instead of saying hello, or something like that, I get pictures shoved into my face. Just imagine for a second, something that really turns you off being forced upon you as you trying to get in the mood, having a sexy talk or just playing with yourself?
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jun,13 13:11 other posts 
Yes, this is true, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But there is also the saying; if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Personally, I like my man to look like a man. The manner in which the member posted his thread was directed against "older" men and "overweight" men kinda suggested that a trim 20 year old in some frilly panties is an entirely different matter.
By #301038 10,Jun,13 15:39
If we would say only nice things, we'd be soon talking about smelly wrist watch and sperm in ice cube trays all over again.

Trim 20 year old cd's are a drop at sea, compared to what he is talking about.

Even the trim 60 year old's are a rare sight in women's clothes. But majority of cd's are in fact older, heavier men... As if in the heavier body, the production of estrogen rises and testosterone drops.

I personally don't care about what people do behind closed doors, however shoving those pics in your face and hoping to get a positive response is a bit....eehhh.... repelling? How would you feel if when you would open your inbox, you'd see couple peeing pics from members you never met, asking you to either pee on them or letting them pee on you?
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Jun,13 16:01 other posts 
Peach, I do get those types of pictures and sometimes that request however I mainly receive the typical dick pic, the pics that the member thinks HIS dick is absolutely the BEST and/or BIGGEST. I respond to those that I choose to respond to and simply ignore the rest. I did not ask that anyone send me anything therefore I do not feel obligated to respond.
By #301038 10,Jun,13 18:46
Good way to look at it. Those kind of pics kill my mood. Maybe that's why I'm so against receiving pics that I would rather avoid.
By #23212 13,Jun,13 02:16
"... kill your mood"? What about those few here who post 'meatotomy' pics? Yes, still their right to their fetish, but, IMHO way more 'mood killing' (even though I too find cross dressing a turn-off).
By PoloFields [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 03:16 other posts 
If there's a particular photo or genre someone doesn't like, click off it and move on. You'll find something else here, but no reason to throw folks under the bus.
By #23212 30,Jun,18 23:55
'PoloFields'--Why are you telling ME this "under the bus" stuff, when I've been very supportive here, of people having various fetishes??

By #556372 30,Jun,18 08:24
I think we might be overlooking the point. Old, fat men that like to cross dress do so because they like it. Showing it off is for the same reason a pretty girl wears a red dress to a date or buys high heels. Same for a man that buys form fitting shirts, wears a beard or buys a Rolex. It's to entice, brag, shock, or dare. I'm a 69 yr old fat gent. I'm also a cross dresser and like to show it off. My wife supports me and she finds it endearing. One of you said you **** to have it thrown in your face. That is a separate issue caused by people who are rude and the manners of a pig. I show off in my page and where it's appropriate. I don't like having other people sending me something I don't like, so, while I also like a good dick or pussy, I get what you are saying

By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Jun,18 06:14 other posts 
There are things/expressions/behaviors we find attractive and other we find unattractive. À chacun son goût. And it's ok to like or not to like some things.

I don't want to see men urinating, but I like to see men cum (on or in women). I also like to see women urinate, esp. in public. I don't like men dressed in women's clothes, but often women dressed in men's clothes can be attractive. But what turns one on and off is quite personal and extremely varied.

Like I said, À chacun son goût.
By #556372 30,Jun,18 08:04
Well said,

By #557056 30,Jun,18 03:02
I don't find any men attractive i just want to fuck a fat cock

By niceonebighead [Ignore] 21,Jul,17 19:06 other posts 
im 75 but i dont like them dresed as ladys an they think they look goodthere just silly old gays

By bigone21 [Ignore] 10,Jun,13 13:34 other posts 
short answer: yes!

By pifad [Ignore] 10,Jun,13 11:57 other posts 
I don't judge anyone but prefer my men to be men. If I wanted someone dressed in women's clothes I'd look for a woman. But I'm all about the dick so that ain't happening.

By #362795 13,Apr,13 04:14
I think, men of any age , dressed in womens` clothes look ridiculous .
By #358797 10,Jun,13 10:59
I agree.

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 09,Jul,12 21:37 other posts 
My personal opinion is, men shouldnt wear womans clothes period!! But that is only my opinion! seing them dose absolutly nothing for me at all! actually is is sot of a turn off

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