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ITS time everready was allowed back

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #111863 [Ignore] 25,Jun,12 14:27
***** LEB ***** Let Everready Back Campaign

Everready love or **** him was a good contributor to this site. I have never know anyone to be banned from here for good so.... please make your comments here so admin can read them and maybe he will be allowed back.

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By #42017 27,Jun,12 11:17
I bet if I got banned no one would even notice (except Steffi of course)
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Sep,12 06:16 other posts're gone! WHY!!?????

By #149276 29,Jun,12 14:38

By #59855 26,Jun,12 20:23
From Matt's Wife: There are many things that I think should not be allowed on this site. A major one is the attacks that are posted attacking any member that has been circumsized.....they should be deleted immediately
By #111863 28,Jun,12 13:02
Your a fake anyway who cares what you think
By #146919 28,Jun,12 14:06
not quite sure who you thinks is fake and seeing as all three of them have been verified by admin its hard to find that your statment has an truth in it..and your pal is still on here or at least he was this morning.
By #59855 28,Jun,12 17:40
From Matt's Wife: Well said mr7

By #170523 25,Jun,12 21:21
Why did he get banned in the first place?
By admin [Ignore] 25,Jun,12 22:12 other posts 
He was banned 3 times. Last time was definitely for anti-semitism. And I remember he expressed anti-semitism before, though I'm not sure already if first 2 times he was banned for it or for some other kind of abusive behavior.

This site is not a place for nationalistic showdowns. Besides, I do not want this site or me personally to be a part of scandalous legal process if someone finally decides to sue him. Last I've heard Scotland is a part of UK. And anti-semitic comments can be considered severe crime under UK law. It's quite possible to sue people for such things. Only a matter of how stubborn you are. And considering that there are some pretty weird people on this site, someone might finally go for it. I totally do not want to be a part of anything like that. Even if I was a racist. Which I'm not.

And since he "did not behave" after 2 first bans I figured out that he just can't learn to behave. So no reason to allow him back after 3rd ban.
By #111863 26,Jun,12 14:04
Well i hope when i report people for racist comments you also ban them for good
By admin [Ignore] 26,Jun,12 16:08 other posts 
Usually people get warning 1st time.

Evers is the only one except "Jessy" (I'm already not sure what was "her" name, but she posted shit pics) who earned a honor to be banned permanently. And trust me, I tried to talk to him many times before I started banning him.
By #23223 26,Jun,12 17:38
When banning someone for h atred statements is appropriate to avoid further consequences for the site it should also be noted that that strict rule should apply to everyone and not just a selected few. I've seen many instances that have involved racial and national hatred including sexual preference h atred on site and yet no disciplinary action or actions were practiced according to my knowledge unless there were private discussions. To show this much severity to one person or name should be out of all due fairness be practiced with everyone with no exceptions whether they contribute to the site financially with certain criteria or not.

I've been a victim of racial h atred as well as spousal h atred on site. My strong personal feelings on the matter should warrant this statement I am about to say. Personally I believe that permanently banning someone forever is way too harsh a punishment. I think everready has been punished enough for what happened, I forgive him.. We love him and we want to see him come back.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Jun,12 18:17 other posts 
it's not about you
By #111863 28,Jun,12 13:00
No its about everready and you banning him but allowing others who abuse people to stay here... get real
By admin [Ignore] 28,Jun,12 14:51 other posts 
Like who? I do not get any complains.

Why do you people think that I'm watching 24 hours per day what you say in public or even private chats here? I don't.

Also, there is a difference between abusing someone one time and doing it all the time like evers was doing.

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