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Blacklisted by a Trump hater

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By sherryann [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 15:43   Pageviews: 648

Found out today I was blacklisted by a Trump hater.Fuck any and every Trump hater! Your motherfucking hate filled hearts for my President Trump can all go fuck yourselves! The vile hate and disgusting actions you all displayed for the last 4 plus years is a motherfucking disgrace! Like President Trump said, you people are sick!

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By sherryann [Ignore] 30,May,24 17:13
Fuck NY jury

By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Mar,23 21:48
Will TRUMP be indicted or not? Think TRUMP hopes he will, but watch the bastards back off, because they do not have crap.

Remember if he is indicted, that will = more free coverage in the news media for him. He has my vote for standing up to the politicians in Washington. No one yet has had the balls to do the same.
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Mar,23 21:57
I hope not, but they will do any and everything to ruin his chances for 2024! You know they know he will win! Of course I too will vote for my President Trump and will always love and support him. He is our only hope! The left is an evil hate filled bunch who will never measure up to someone like President Trump.
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Mar,23 00:23
They do not like him on both sides because he called out corruption on both sides sherryann
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,Mar,23 22:53
I know. It's just unheard of the abuse he's subjected to.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 01,Aug,23 19:56
What would you think of if all the same stuff was said to be by a DEMOCRAT?
THIS IS NOT A POLITICL SITE GAL SO TAKE THAT STUFF ELSEWHERE. we here just want to see your tits and ass honny!
By sherryann [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 19:07
Maybe I will take my thoughts privately
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Nov,23 02:28
Please leave this blog if that is what you are interested in kre8tor69, please learn to spell 'honey' correctly. This is my only response to you here kre8tor69 I think you can find me to respond.

BTW I will only be voting for TRUMP.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 11:37
so now you are republican
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 03:22
Always have been little libtard PITBULL aka freddy.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 08:54
Our site INTEL investigators concluded you were a Democrat before.
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 22:24
Sorry to disappoint you but I am not and have never been an idiot libtard. You are the Democrap here, you have admitted it. Oh your site intelligence are all a bunch of libtards, that settles it, they always lie.
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 00:00
Maybe the site is what you say it is kre8tor69 but this blog belongs to someone else, so if you do not like it then maybe you should take your beliefs elsewhere.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 08:58
you are a big moron. And you think I am a Democrat Only a crashing boring cunt like you think those who aren't Republicans are Democrats.
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Feb,24 01:16
You admitted it remember. And what I stated is true. Now no more of this here, this blog belongs to someone else and we are off topic, you know where I am.
By Timpeter [Ignore] 23,Feb,24 02:50
The global elites are going crazy because they cant buy him off
By Timpeter [Ignore] 23,Feb,24 02:51
MAGA Trum0 24
By Timpeter [Ignore] 23,Feb,24 02:53
There levers dont work for ControL
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Feb,24 18:45
They know he'll win. Watch what they do
By Timpeter [Ignore] 09,May,24 21:18

By sherryann [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 15:52
You who blacklist me: fuck you. You don't know me, you wish. I couldn't give a shit if you blacklist me or not for a Trump related reason or not. Whatever your goofy brain thinks about me or anyone on this site, no one cares! And some won't let you forget it. Pathetic good for nothing
By sherryann [Ignore] 27,Apr,24 15:55
And I never heard of a one of you losers anyway

By sherryann [Ignore] 19,Feb,24 21:32
I can't see the new comments and don't know why

By SwollenAcorn [Ignore] 03,Jan,24 06:28
FJB!!! TRUMP 2024!!!🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇲
By sherryann [Ignore] 04,Jan,24 21:49
very well said!

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 01,Aug,23 19:54
Sorry for you that you like that @#$%^ guy that most of the country is about to vote away finally but you are still a very nice gal to look at. Do you take it in the ass? If so contact your EX pres and he will do you that way as he did most of the rest of the country last time and still is! Again sorry but keep posting more wonderful pix of your fine self her please!
By sherryann [Ignore] 02,Aug,23 19:06
I have lots to answer but too lazy right now to do it.

By #677384 [Ignore] 18,Feb,23 16:04
Yeahhh..I double dog dare these traitors to come and get me hehe...I don't come here for politics...I think we get enough of that BS. That being said, this goes so much deeper than just destroying the country we all love. The globalists' biggest fear (and the only one) is 200,000,000 American Patriots that will defend our freedom and country to the death my dear. Plus, it is time for a major change. We have been duped, robbed, enslaved, deceived etc...for far too long. However, I pity those who think they will be spared and coddled by the likes of the "Elite" hehe. I might be a nudist, but that don't mean I won't defend our way of life.
By sherryann [Ignore] 19,Feb,23 16:59
By #677384 [Ignore] 19,Feb,23 18:10 I can look super sexy in a pair of lace panties and still shoot my AK hehe
By sherryann [Ignore] 21,Feb,23 00:08

By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Jun,22 21:00
blacklisted by another Trump hater. Enjoy your current president asshole, you ain't seen nothing yet!
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Jun,22 12:18
take this

By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Jun,22 22:07
Do you not just love the new brand. We are now ULTRA MAGA, think the dems screwed up with this.
By sherryann [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 23:02
I've never heard that. But today is President Trump's birthday and it is Flag Day today too.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Jun,22 23:59
And it is a day to be Ultra MAGA. The dems should be kicking themselves in the ass for coming up with Ultra MAGA.
By sherryann [Ignore] 15,Jun,22 12:58
Yeah I like MAGA & Ultra too

By tecsan [Ignore] 22,May,22 22:11
This happens to me regularly. I will vote TRUMP if he runs again. I do not mind sharing that. Hell I would vote for my cat over what we have now. Think many dems feel the same way.
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,May,22 22:34
oh me too! Can't wait for my President Trump to come back! A true American that loves America & will make it great again, again!
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,May,22 21:28
I like that, MAGAA.
By sherryann [Ignore] 24,May,22 23:16
Yeah, our 1 & only chance.
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,May,22 23:21
I liked the extra 'A' you added.
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,May,22 20:43
tecsan, I can't take credit for that though, because President Trump said it and debated whether to use Make America Great Again or Make America Great Again Again in his 2020 election.
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,May,22 21:33
Sorry I did not see that one. I have to switch to news max to see his rallies. I stay with fox news mostly.
By sherryann [Ignore] 30,May,22 18:36
Oh ok. You gotta keep up with his rallies

By #646862 [Ignore] 23,May,22 23:52
Trump-lovin' women are hot.
By sherryann [Ignore] 24,May,22 19:49

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 19:42
Trump drank Putin's diarrhea...then he LOST! He's a fat shit LOOSER -just like you.
By sherryann [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 20:49
YOU are the fat shit loser motherfucker, and you fucking can't spell loser either. You Trump haters are some vile pathetic dumb motherfuckers who don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.It's great knowing you're all fucked up in the head. I hope you motherfuckers never change. Crazy ass motherfucker
By silverjim1224 [Ignore] 08,Jun,21 20:36
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 22:30
Wow! Gntlmn, I'm really surprised that you would talk that way to a lady. I've interacted with both you and sherryann for a number of years and it really disappoints me that you would post something that disrespectful and hateful toward a woman.

sherryann is entitled to be saddened and outraged by someone who is so narrow-minded that they would blacklist her because of her political beliefs. And as Americans, we may not like or have voted for our political figures whether they be serving us at a local level, statewide level or at a national level but we should darn well respect them.
By sherryann [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 23:59
Thanks bella. Nice you tried...but he's no good. He cannot understand or comprehend your points.

And to gntlm: fuck you you fat shit loser putin shit eater. LOL Fucking assinine asshole. Piece of shit nut.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Feb,21 19:06
You're shit-stupid beyond comprehension. Keep believing your dumbass Naziboy FORMER president improved your life. A diarrhea-diet dumb shit like you is a waste of time for any self-respecting coronavirus. (and the OO's are for phonetic EMPHASIS....LOOOOOOOOOSER)
By sherryann [Ignore] 27,Feb,21 22:42
For someone who thinks im not worth it you keep coming back here. Keep on showing your true colors. FUCK YOU! Never has anyone on this site talked to me the way you do. You are a piece of shit.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 20,Feb,21 13:26
Well said bella. But apparently if this so called "gntlmn" has not matured, nor grown up, in 70 years then there's probably not much more we can expect from such an individual. Some people are just that ignorant...
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Feb,21 13:36
But what really leaves me gobsmacked is that during his working years, he was employed as a police officer.
By #610414 [Ignore] 20,Feb,21 17:32
Police officer, yeah, that is a shocker. Imagine a cop acting human. A disrespectful, SOB.........but human.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Feb,21 18:56
It's a different point of reference since January 6. Oh, I forgot, you're way too stupid to know the difference between "Blue Lives Matter" and a mob's murdering a cop. A Nazi with a vagina is no different from a Nazi with a penis. Keep worshipping your FORMER president. Send him money for his legal fees, too.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Feb,21 19:00
And now you are calling me stupid.
By silverjim1224 [Ignore] 08,Jun,21 20:40
unfortunately, bella, they can't get beyond their hate, and frankly, I can't understand it except to fall back on my education, and agree with so many "right-side" pundits that their hatred borders on obsession and is can almost be 'diagnosed' as mental derangement
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jun,21 20:45
Thank you for your reply, silverjim1224.
By *seduceme* [Ignore] 26,Mar,21 06:11
You sir are a disgrace to men...but I guess this is what we expect from liberals.
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,May,22 22:18
Did you call me a liberal, really (I know was a year ago). Damn you are so far off target there.
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,May,21 00:47
You are just a simpleton boy...

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